養蜂と都市緑化を行う Beeslow が初のNFTコレクションをリリース

NFT Mediaでは、毎日様々なNFT関連のニュースを厳選してお届けしています。





NFTの販売代金の主な使途は、都市のビルの屋上をミツバチの蜜源となる植物で緑化し、生物多様性の促進と不動産価値の向上を図るプロジェクト「Beeslow Garden」のハーブ苗や土などの購入費となる他、クリエイターやDiscordコミュニティ「Eusocial DAO」にも還元される。



アイテムのレアリティに応じて、配信コンテンツの閲覧、オフラインイベント、Eusocial DAO での投票権などのユーティリティーも準備されている。



Beekeeping and urban greening company Beeslow is releasing their first NFT collection.

Beeslow Inc., a company that uses ideas from the perspective of honeybees to counter global warming is releasing their first NFT collection.

The NFT collection resembles a swarm of honeybees. It is made up by over 10,000 pieces of different prices, rarities, and type such as worker, drone, or queen bee. The production is directed by contemporary artist Yushi Dangami, whose artworks are highly sought after.

The proceeds from the sale of NFTs will be used primarily to purchase herb seedlings and soil for "Beeslow Garden."  Beeslow garden is an urban greening project that provides a nectar source for bees and uses bees to make rooftop gardens healthier. Beeslow garden benefits biodiversity and increases physical and virtual property values, as well as supports creators and Discord community "Eusocial DAO". 

Members of the community can interact with generated funds to initiate their own projects through a voting system.
The goal is to create an environment where citizens are encouraged by a community to take action on environmental issues. 

For purchasers, owning an NFT is proof of their action on climate change that they can express by using the NFT image as an icon on social networking and other sites.

Depending on an item’s rarity, the owner will also have access to distributed content, in-person events, voting rights on "Eusocial DAO", and other utilities.

By using the NFT and DAO approach to address environmental issues, the project will broaden the engaged community, then activate this base to generate new innovations and projects.


代表者名船山 遥平



参照元:NFT Media


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