Several Ukrainians with computer expertise said they had joined a group of "cyber volunteers” who plan to use cyberattacks to fight the Russian military’s invasion ...
Several hundred people gathered in the busy Shibuya Ward in central Tokyo, many with their children and Ukrainian flags, chanting "stop the war" and "stop ...
Continuing bilateral dialogue on the territorial row over four Russian-held islands off Hokkaido appears difficult following Tokyo's announcement Friday of the sanctions, analysts said.
According to the health ministry, minors accounted for 29.6% of all new COVID-19 infections across the country between Feb. 1 and 21, making up the ...
Domestic firms are worried that a potential sanctions war between Western countries and Russia could have a considerable economic impact on their bottom lines.
Beijing has presented itself as a defender of sovereign independence. But its reluctance to denounce Moscow's aggression forces it into an awkward position.